Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What`t the effect on cell by coma?

The very first stress factor surrounded by brain injury is the immediate physical effect of the blow to the director or of the sudden lack of oxygen. The result is passing of some brain cells and a shock-like response surrounded by others, the effect of which is immediate cessation of the functions controlled by those cell. The physical changes contained by the brain cells inflict a loss of the delicate symmetry between cells, resulting contained by edema or swelling of the brain. This in turn cause increased pressure in the brain, cause further death of brain cell, causing further loss of function, cause further edema. In addition, the edema cause some chemical changes which contained by turn result in a toxic or poisoning effect on brain cell, thereby destroying additional cell.
As various functions are lost, stress is applied to other systems. Loss of movement or of muscle contractions decrease the resistance in the blood vessel of the limbs thereby affecting blood circulation, blood pressure and increasing the workload on the heart. Impairment of majority digestive functions may result in over secretion of stomach acids, cause ulcers of the stomach ("stress ulcers").
There is more......please see the relation below.
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